Chat GPT: A magical tool or the end of traditional language learning and teaching approach

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This Dec 2022, Chat GPT has been released and become a prevalent chatbot in the world thus far. Not only respond within seconds to the questions given, but it can also generate indistinguishable text as human-written. Also, it can involve conversations with users in the most natural way in comparison with other chatbots. In this article, the story of GPT-3, Chat GPT, and their establisher (Open AI) will be briefly crafted. Some extensive literature reviews and conducted experiments with this artificial intelligence (AI) software, especially in terms of educational perspectives are also clarified in this paper. Along with a description of GPT-3, chat GPT and their functionality, this article aims to make an effort to highlight the advantages and limitations of usingthis AI software in language learning and teaching, focusing on learners, instructors as well as stakeholders; and hence providing recommendations for better use in the future.
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