A brief summary of most popular English teaching methodologies with an emphasis on lexical syllabus approach

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Teaching and learning English has always been a major concern in many countries as this language prevails in the international arena and is considered one of the most popular languages promoting cultural exchange and economic integration in general. Like in many parts of the world, the English language in Vietnam is one of the most important foreign languages that can help the nation form a connection with and reach out to the rest of the business world. The confirmed indispensable role of this language has reinforced the necessity and importance of updating methods of teaching English as a second language. This article summarizes most popular English teaching methods, emphasizing the Lexical Syllabus methodology. The general discussion points are presented in brief so that teachers can overview the methods they have used, draw some valuable conclusions based on these comparisons, and eventually consider applying the Lexical Syllabus approach in their teaching. For those teachers who have already familiarized themselves with this method, more frequent and/or more effective adoption to optimize classroom study atmosphere and learning results will be the key.
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