An approach to solving the autonomous electric vehicle’s best option choosing multi-criteria problem

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At the stage of development of unmanned electric transport, the developer faces the urgent task of choosing one of several alternative options that differ both in circuit and design solutions and in technical characteristics (criteria). Due to the fact that different options may have different indicators, the problem of a reasonable choice of the best possible option for the developed unmanned electric transport is relevant. Since the existing decision-making methods, as a rule, are guided by the opinions of experts, the resulting estimates are subjective. It is proposed to use the method of analysis of hierarchies proposed by T. Saaty to select the most preferable of the available options for unmanned electric transport. To solve the problem associated with the subjectivity of expert opinions, it is proposed to conduct a procedure for assessing the consistency of expert opinions. The result of solving the problem posed is a reasonable choice of the best variant of unmanned electric transport from several alternative ones. This option will have an optimal technical level, characterized by various criteria, which at the development stage will significantly reduce future costs.
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