Code-switching and its use in ESL classroom in University of Transport Ho-Chi-Minh City

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Code-switching (or, it is sometimes written, code-switching or codewitching) is a common but rather controversial phenomenon in communication, especially in the multilingual society. Code-switching as well as other kinds of language choices have a meaningful role in creating the multicolour and success for conversations. However,there is no consensus among the scholars in this field. In this research, we would like to have a further review about these controversial researches of code switching in order to prepare the theoretical base for our research on using code-switching between English and Vietnamese in teaching and learning English in University of Transport Ho-Chi-Minh City. With the mixed researching methodology including literature review, interview, lesson recording, questionnaire, we hope that we can have full and clear experimental understanding, then draw out the educational findings serving our teaching at university.
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